The Tjärnö Marine Laboratory team at the University of Gothenburg primarily work on assessing the efficiency of different techniques for cold-water coral restoration, and consequences of restoration density on reproductive success in corals.
The team more specifically work on comparing the rate of coral recruitment using sexual vs clonal propagation, and aid in assessing the role of microbiome in this process. Further the fertilization kinetics in Lophelia pertusa is investigated to predict fertilization rates under mimicked field conditions using experimental approaches. We also participate in identifying coral pathogens with the goal to develop methods for pathogen control in larval cultures.
Team members
Ann Larsson, Dr.
I am interested in effects of water flow on marine organisms with focus on cold-water coral reproduction.
Susanna Strömberg, Dr.
LIFE Lophelia:
My interest is focused around cold-water coral (CWC) habitats, primarily habitats formed by the local scleractinian species found in Skagerrak (Sweden), i.e., Lophelia pertusa (syn. Desmophyllum pertusum). I have studied both their reproduction, embryo and larval development, as well as their associated fauna. In my present position as Principal Research Engineer in the EU LIFE project LIFE Lophelia at the University of Gothenburg (UGOT), I am focusing on restoration of CWC habitats, larval settling and recruitment, and design of artificial reefs (ARs) and complex substrates to enhance recruitment. I have a full-time position within the LIFE Lophelia project, and will collaborate with the RESTORESEAS project within the frame of my current position.
Latest blog posts
First steps to deep-sea coral restoration
When people think of coral reefs, they usually imagine warm, shallow tropical waters; not cold, dark deep ocean waters. But there are coral reefs living in the dark at the bottom of the ocean as well. They are hard to access and not as vibrant as their warm-water...