The recent ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain was an exciting platform for researchers to delve into the fascinating realm of host-microbiome interactions and their role in protecting and restoring marine ecosystems. As the chair of the session, I had the privilege of witnessing groundbreaking presentations that shed light on the hidden world of microbes and their...
Coral restoration station at Vienna’s Long Night of the Museums
October 11, 2022
Visitors of the Natural Hisotry Museum in Vienna got to “restore” corals at a coral restoration station, during the annual event of the Long Night of the Museums.
Join the Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network Meeting!
July 5, 2022
The 21st Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network Meeting, aims at bringing together people to discuss oomycetes’ ecology, biology and role in different ecological contexts.
Kick-Off Meeting
May 8, 2022
On 12-13 April 2022 RESTORESEAS had its first general meeting. In this kick-off meeting, led by coordinator Prof. Ester Serrao, we put the wheel in motion to start the work proposed in each of our work packages. The meeting was attended by all 13 international partner.